Preforming Arts Stage ~ Raeford NC,
Thin Shell Concrete on Wood Form. John Rutherfurd developed the system of construction, Details and was the construction foreman and lead builder on the roof portion of the project. Boat Biulding technology was utilized to produce pieces of plywood 40' x 16' and continuous arched beams of 80' in circumference.
Thin Shell Concrete on Wood Form. John Rutherfurd developed the system of construction, Details and was the construction foreman and lead builder on the roof portion of the project. Boat Biulding technology was utilized to produce pieces of plywood 40' x 16' and continuous arched beams of 80' in circumference.
Proposal for Holy Cross, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to Help Rebuild the Community Socially and Environmentally Through Empowering Citizens Through the Construction of Quality Architecture using Green Building Practices.
Mobile Shelter designed to afford-ably assist in establishing immediate shelter and relocation. My first SketchUp and YouTube Video from 2009