"General Science"
GOAL: Inspiration of Curiosity, Critical Thinking, Scientific Reasoning, Personal Responsibility and
Knowing that you can "know"
METHOD: Inspiring Curiosity, Intriguing Demonstrations, Not Giving Answers, Experimentation and
Expressing Opinion
GOAL: Inspiration of Curiosity, Critical Thinking, Scientific Reasoning, Personal Responsibility and
Knowing that you can "know"
METHOD: Inspiring Curiosity, Intriguing Demonstrations, Not Giving Answers, Experimentation and
Expressing Opinion
Independent Science Studies
GOAL: Student Implementation of the above Goals and Methods and
To Reinforce Independent Learning Skills, that Learning is Fun and
To Promote Life Long Learning
GOAL: Student Implementation of the above Goals and Methods and
To Reinforce Independent Learning Skills, that Learning is Fun and
To Promote Life Long Learning